Bitcoin Is The New New World

Bitcoin Is The New New World

November 27, 2021 by mvp00
Freedom The opportunity to reach one’s full potential As the nobility of European society increasingly accrued more of the wealth of their nations, they gave rise to a new type of subject … the colonist. Still subject to the king’s laws, these pioneers put up the only capital most had to risk, their lives, with


The opportunity to reach one’s full potential

As the nobility of European society increasingly accrued more of the wealth of their nations, they gave rise to a new type of subject … the colonist. Still subject to the king’s laws, these pioneers put up the only capital most had to risk, their lives, with hopes of owning the one thing that was out of reach for so many in Europe … land.

Once you start down the Bitcoin rabbit hole, you eventually come to internalize the concept of “low time preference.” What could be more “low time preference” than sailing for weeks across an ocean, to a sometimes unknown destination, to start over from scratch? With the possibility to own land within sight, many took the risk to ensure a better future for themselves and their descendants.

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