Discussing Bitcoin ETF Listing Process Nasdaq

Discussing Bitcoin ETF Listing Process Nasdaq

November 21, 2021 by mvp00
Watch This Episode On YouTube Listen To This Episode: In this informational episode, “Bitcoin NBttom Line” host and Valkyrie CIO Steven McClurg invited Nasdaq’s head of exchange-traded products, Giang Bui, to discuss exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and more. The two kicked it off with a discussion about the process of getting an ETF up and launched.

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In this informational episode, “Bitcoin NBttom Line” host and Valkyrie CIO Steven McClurg invited Nasdaq’s head of exchange-traded products, Giang Bui, to discuss exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and more.

The two kicked it off with a discussion about the process of getting an ETF up and launched. This process, lasting anywhere from 30 to 240 days, must go through several checkpoints set up by Nasdaq and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to ensure all requirements are met for approval.

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